Download a layer from Lambify and upload the file to your AWS Lambda Layer.
Browse a layer you like, on Lambify, then click "S3" or "Download" to save the Layer address or the file.
Go to AWS Console, then navigate to AWS Lambda. After that, choose the Layers, and click "Create layer".
Enter Layer detail. After that upload the downloaded file or paste the S3 URL, which received from Lambify.
🎉 Tada! Layer is now ready to use!
AWS allow us to use custom AWS Lambda Layer from other sources, include Lambify, using AWS ARN.
Browse a layer you like, on Lambify, then click "ARN" to copy AWS ARN.
Go to AWS Console, then navigate to AWS Lambda. After that, choose the Function, and click "Add a layer".
Choose "Specify an ARN" and paste a copied ARN from Lambify.
🎉 Tada! Function is now ready to use!